Eco Sphere
Eco-Arts Project
The album "On the philosophical idea of the beautiful" is released for digital download. A project fund is being formed through album sales and managed by the artist as Z66 Inc. The project itself, and the dialog concerning its form, will be an indicator of future artistic direction. This indicator will be a "point of access" to interested parties, audience, collaborators and other artists. This web page will represent the fund and allow for the administration and construction of an eco-arts project. A minimum of 10% of revenue from sales will be earmarked for the project.
Possible forms for the project:
Sound-Art installation with speaker array and spatialized music / soundscape. Thematically aligned recordings and granulated synthesis representing the forest zone.
Generative noise mobile application. A non-looping noise-based soundscape is created on a mobile application, coded with Max, Swift or Pure Data.
Arcadian technology narrative. Composition / performance based on further developing the signifying phrase "Arcadian technology".
The fund will be administered by the artist as Z66 Inc. and collaborators. This page includes a comments section in which interested patrons and collaborators can discuss projects and other relevant topics. The discussion can include any topics relating to project content or administration. All are welcome to participate - donation of time and thought process is acceptable currency.
Eco-art movements exist all over the world and have many different goals and intentions. All such movements are committed to creating platforms upon which progressive ideas can be developed. A couple of links to interesting works.
"Divine Arcadian Technologies" is a concept that was developed by the artist during graduate research. The concept speaks to the possibility of an Arcadian future as a goal for technological innovation. This in opposition to a business paradigm in which technology is useful only for the exploitation of natural resources and for stimulating the senses. The shift towards incorporating the evolving eco-sphere into the evolution of human and artificial life is one that can be actively pursued.
Contact the artist for more information