Links to works: Max/MSP
Figure: Harmonic Synth: Max/MSP application
The Harmonic Synth allows control over individual partials in a tone. The partials can be turned down or up - but only in relation to the overall sawtooth specification (amp: 1/n). The control of the partials extends to automated sweeps of chosen partials via the grey button in the middle of UI. The 2 number boxes above this button control overall sweep speed and the speed that individual dials move from 0 to maximum and back again. The toggle switches in the UI are used to control which partials are part of a sweep. A checked toggle box will remove a partial from a sweep. To see the synth working see the videos.
The point of the Harmonic Synth is to allow complex dissonant chords to be built up and controlled via the partial architecture. Complex chords with aesthetically dis-pleasing artifacts can be "tuned" to create a controlled dissonance.